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Album Review: Native Ground ... Stand My Ground
Cover image of the album Native Ground ... Stand My Ground by Ophelia
Native Ground ... Stand My Ground
1998 / Ohklectic Records
68 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
The second of Ophelia’s releases is perhaps the most eclectic of her albums to date, and clearly demonstrates the range and versatility of this outstanding artist. The pieces range in style from classical to jazz and world music to new age and beyond. There is no pigeon-holing Ophelia’s work, which is something I really enjoy about her albums. This is a woman in charge and in control of her career, right down to painting the cover artwork for her albums - an inspiration on many levels.

The first five tracks of this album are big and bold - piano, keyboard, and synth as well as percussion. The middle tracks (6-13) are mostly quieter piano pieces with minimal accompaniment. Then it heats up again in the last four tracks. Some of my favorites include “Native Ground”, a driving piece with a strong musical statement. “Crimson-Blue” starts out silky smooth and evolves into a slinky jazz number. “Snow in the Sand” is dark and moody, lamenting and passionate - great stuff! “Sweet September” is melancholy and nostalgic, and is solo piano with some synth washes - very lovely and touching. “October Moon” shows what an incredibly passionate pianist Ophelia is - she packs an emotional wallop without going overboard - and this piece contains a full range of emotions. “Treasures” is a sweetly innocent tribute to the memory of “Grandpa”. The piano pieces are my favorites - all ring emotionally clear and true, and her playing chops are very impressive. Ophelia has a really good sense for when to keep it simple and when to “let it rip”. “Sun Screams” is upbeat and fun, and “Hey There!” closes the CD “feelin’ fine and lookin’ good”.

If you are looking for an album full of varied styles and rhythms, this is a great one! Available from ohklecticrecords.com.
August 8, 1998
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