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Album Review: Throughout the Autumn Light
Robert Linton
Cover image of the album Throughout the Autumn Light by Robert Linton
Throughout the Autumn Light
Robert Linton
2011 / October Moon Records
46 minutes
Review by Michael Debbage
As a reviewer a lot of music can pass through your mailbox and onto your desk. Unfortunately, there is not enough time in the day to review everything and at times good music gets passed over not because it is poor but because in this world of immediate gratification you move on to the next piece of ear candy. Guitarist Robert Linton was almost one of those victims because on first blush there is nothing instantaneous about Robert Linton’s music. However, upon careful investigation Throughout the Autumn Light has that delicate and pastoral musical theme that will place you in a very reflective mood that will gently renew your spirit.

Apparently Linton has been flying under the radar for quite a while as Throughout the Autumn Light represents his fourth recording (sort of). After recording a demo back in 2001, three years later Linton recorded his debut Pale Shades and one year after that he released Within The Outline. Around this time Linton met guitarist/producer extraordinaire Will Ackerman who essentially took many of his earlier creations and revamped and revitalized Robert’s material courtesy of Whisperings At Nightfall.

While his latest conception features many of Will Ackerman’s A Team it does not feature Ackerman himself, either as a performer or a producer. Instead Linton co produces with Ackerman’s more than capable sideman Corin Nelsen who is fast becoming an exceptional producer in his own right. The production is concise and unassuming which matches perfectly with Linton’s very inconspicuous musical style.

The album is composed of ten tracks, three which feature Linton going it alone. The first is “Alongside The Silhouettes” which has a very gentle and slow sway to it as Linton caresses his unpretentious melody. Similar results can be found on the soft lullaby of “Sweet Dreams”. As for the collaborations the cello work of Stephen Katz on the title track and “Winds Swaying The Trees” are magical. Equally as impressive is “Glistening After The Mist” featuring Jeff Pearce’s mystifying Ebow effects.

For those of you that enjoyed the unassuming music of guitarist William Ellwood from the heady days of Narada Records, it would prove very beneficial for you to seek out the music of Robert Linton. While there is no pinnacle masterpiece there is also no filler to be found. Unassuming and understated, the music of Throughout the Autumn Light will quietly and slowly envelop your inner soul leaving you refreshed, renewed and ready to face another day.
June 11, 2011
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Guitar musicMichael's Favorites: 2011
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