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Songbook Review: Life's Journey
Iris Litchfield
Cover image of the songbook Life's Journey by Iris Litchfield
Life's Journey
Iris Litchfield
2013 / Iris Litchfield
68 pages / 19 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Iris Litchfield’s Life's Journey sheet music book is a collection of nineteen original piano solos from her 2013 CD release by the same name, her 2012 release Dream Clouds, and three uncredited pieces that I assume are new. Only six of the pieces from the Life's Journey CD are included because the other eight are new recordings of older pieces that appear in her two previous books, Sunset and Breath of Spring; ten pieces are from Dream Clouds. Iris’ music is not difficult to play and is written in a classical style that is easily accessible and melodic, often expressing feelings of peacefulness and calm. Pianists of upper-intermediate and early-advanced playing levels should breeze through most of this music. Dynamics are included, but fingering is not (quite normal anymore!). There are no stretches of more than an octave, and none of the rhythms are overly complex. I really enjoy playing this book and recommend it! It is available from Tutti (UK).

The nineteen songs, the keys they are in, and the number of pages are:

Dream Clouds - key of C (no sharps or flats) - 5 pages
First Steps - key of D minor (1 flat) - 4 pages
Footprints of an Angel - key of G (1 sharp) - 3 pages
Promise of a New Day - key of F (1 flat)/Ab (4 flats)/
B (5 sharps) - 3 pages
Dancing Dreams - key of Dm (1 flat)/ Fm (4 flats) - 5 pages
Joy Of Summer - key of C/F (1 flat) - 2 pages
Just Dreaming - key of D (2 sharps)/ F (1 flat)/ A (3 sharps) -
3 1/2 pages
Whispering Trees - key of Gm (2 flats) - 3 pages
Celtic Lament - key of F (1 flat) - 3 1/2 pages
A New Beginning - key of Fm (4 flats)/ F (1 flat) - 3 pages
Riding High - key of Em (1 sharp)/A (3 sharps)/Am (0 sharps
or flats) - 4 pages
A Mountain to Climb - key of F (1 flat) - 6 1/2 pages
New Dawn - key of F (1 flat) - 2 pages
Sailing Through - key of C (0 sharps or flats) - 2 1/2 pages
Clear Waters - key of Dm (1 flat)/ D (2 sharps) - 4 1/2 pages
Dancing Shadows - key of Bb minor (5 flats)/Bb (2 flats) -
4 pages
Falling Leaves - key of Em (1 sharp)/Cm (3 flats) - 2 1/2 pages
At the End of the Day - key of G (1 sharp)/Bb (2 flats)/ D
(2 sharps) - 2 pages
Twilight Time - key of C - 3 pages
August 10, 2013
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