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Songbook Review: Forever More
Joe Bongiorno
Cover image of the songbook Forever More by Joe Bongiorno
Forever More
Joe Bongiorno
2012 / SoloPianoMusic.com
76 pages / 15 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Forever More is the companion songbook to Joe Bongiorno’s “solo piano retrospective” CD which covers the years 2001-2011. The fifteen songs come from Joe’s previous six albums plus one new track. This beautiful book has a glossy full-color cover with the photo from the CD cover and is spiral bound. The layout of the music is spacious, clear, very easy to read, and is printed on a slightly heavier paper stock that should last with many years of playing without interfering with quick page turns. Most of Joe’s music tends to be slow and mellow, so these songs are not overly difficult to play. Pianists at a late-intermediate/early advanced level should have no problem mastering these pieces. There are few, if any, reaches of more than an octave, and most of the left hand parts are running eighth notes rather than blocked chords. A few of the songs have somewhat tricky key signatures, a few have some challenging leger lines, and all of them have the metronome settings to indicate the desired speeds. Suggested pedaling is given and dynamics are marked. This is a very relaxing and enjoyable collection of piano solos and is available from www.solopianomusic.com. Recommended!

Below is a list of the songs with their key signatures and number of pages:

Forever More - key of B (5 sharps) - 5 pages
Trance - key of D minor (1 flat) - 6 pages
Touched - key of G (1 sharp) - 3 pages
Mesmerized - key of G minor (2 flats) - 5 pages
Tears of Joy - key of B (5 sharps)/key of G (1 sharp) - 8 pages
To Be Held - key of Db (5 flats)/ E (4 sharps) - 4 pages
A Candlelight Waltz - key of D (2 sharps) - 4 pages
Harbinger Moon - key of Ab (4 flats) - 5 pages
Chasing the Wind - key of A minor (0)/ C (0) - 3 pages
Melancholy Morning - key of G (1 sharp)/ D minor (1 flat) / D (2 sharps) - 5 pages
Face to Face - key of Db (5 flats) - 5 pages
The Subtle Touch - key of Gb (6 flats)/ G (1 sharp) - 7 pages
Inspired - key of D (2 sharps) - 7 pages
Joy to the World - key of Eb (3 flats) - 4 pages
Flight of a Dream - key of C (0) - 5 pages
December 18, 2012
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