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Songbook Review: Into the Wind
Joe Bongiorno
Cover image of the songbook Into the Wind by Joe Bongiorno
Into the Wind
Joe Bongiorno
2011 / Piano HAven
59 pages / 12 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Into the Wind is the companion songbook to Joe Bongiorno’s 2011 CD release by the same name. All twelve songs are included, transcribed note-for-note by John Zechiel. I was surprised when I was playing through this book how consistent the level of difficulty is from one song to the next. The primary factors that make one piece somewhat more difficult than another are the key signatures and the length of the pieces. Most of the pieces are single-note patterns on both hands with a few chords and octaves. The timing is not complicated and the expression is clearly marked. Pianists of upper-intermediate to early-advanced playing levels should be able to master these pieces without much problem, and will soon find themselves flowing along with Joe Bongiorno’s magical touch on the piano. The song titles, their playing level, key signature(s), and number of pages are listed below. This book is spiral bound and printed on a heavier-than-usual paper stock. The notation is very clear and the spacing is roomy. I really enjoyed playing through this book and highly recommend it. It is available from www.solopianomusic.com.

Inspired: level 4, key of D (2 sharps), 7 pages
Trance: level 4, key of Dm (1 flat), 6 pages
Never Forgotten: level 4, key of B (5 sharps), 4 pages
Into the Wind: level 4, key of G (1 sharp), 7 pages
Mystical: level 3, key of Em (1 sharp), 4 pages
A Candlelight Waltz: level 3, key of D, 4 pages
I Hear Your Cry: level 3, key of C (0 sharps or flats), 5 pages
Sailing the Sky: level 4, key of B, 5 pages
Lucid Dream: level 4, key of Eb (3 flats), 4 pages
Rise and Shine: level 3, key of F (1 flat), 5 pages
Your Healing Touch: level 3, key of Eb, 4 pages
Feels Like Goodbye: level 4, key of Ab (4 flats), 4 pages (this version is not exactly the same as the one in the A Candlelight Christmas book)
October 18, 2011
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