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Album Review: Unconditional
Marc Enfroy
Cover image of the album Unconditional by Marc Enfroy
Marc Enfroy
2011 / Enfroy Music
47 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Unconditional is the third “cinematic piano” release from Marc Enfroy, following Unbounded (2008) and Awakening (2009). Enfroy’s previous releases were self-produced, but this time he teamed up with Randy and Pamela Copus of 2002 to produce an album that is ethereal, graceful, and soothing - more “new age” than neo-classical. Conceived with the theme of unconditional self-love, this warm and peaceful music is “perfect for focusing loving energy on yourself” (quoted from the liner notes). The instrumentation includes piano, keyboard, atmospheric sounds, wordless choirs, flute, bells, strings, and occasional light percussion. The sound is lovely and the production is full and rich - with a strong resemblance to classic 2002. That being said, there is much to enjoy with this album. Soothing and uplifting, the tranquil music transports the listener to a place of well-being, and we can never have too much of that!

Unconditional begins with “A Good Heart,” a piece for piano, voice, flute, and atmospheric keyboard sounds. As warm and gentle as a spring breeze, it delicately sets the tone for the album. “Uniqueness” brings in more voices and orchestration that create a sound akin to plush velvet - cozy yet elegant. The title song is my favorite. Very peaceful and contented, the simple piano melody, layered voices, and light orchestration make for beautiful easy-listening. “A Beautiful Soul” is celestial and spacious, suggesting visions of heavenly light and open skies. I also really like “A Positive Spirit.” Upbeat and ethereal, little bells and angelic voices evoke joyful visions of light dancing on water. “Peacefulness” is so calming that it’s like a daydream floating on a puffy white cloud. “Safe and Secure” also creates a feeling of floating effortlessly, without a care in the world. Jack Chen’s flute is especially beautiful on this track. “Reaching Authenticity” brings our journey to self-love to a gentle conclusion, refreshed and renewed.

Unconditional is available from www.marcenfroy.com, Amazon, and iTunes. Check it out!
March 1, 2011
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