Conspirators of the Lost Sock Army and the Loose Change Collection Agency
Dan O'Brien and Steve Ferchaud
2014 / Amalgam Publishing
Review by Kathy Parsons
With a title almost as long as the book itself, Conspirators of the Lost Sock Army and the Loose Change Collection Agency is a charming tale of an old man and a Leprechaun who is discovered under the couch when the old gentleman goes looking for the television remote after a very long nap. Intended for “children” of any age, the book was written by Dan O’Brien and is wonderfully illustrated by Steve Ferchaud in full color on the front and back covers, and with beautiful and fanciful black and white line drawings within the book. The story itself is fun, a little silly, and very well-written and could probably be read to a child at a rather leisurely pace (while stopping to enjoy the illustrations) in less than an hour. Explaining two of life’s perplexing mysteries (where loose change and random socks go when they disappear) makes this book an entertaining read for adults as well as kids. O’Brien finds a very nice balance by making the language and story easy enough for a child to understand, but not so simplistic or “childish” that an adult would lose interest. I enjoyed it enough to read it twice! Conspirators of the Lost Sock Army and the Loose Change Collection Agency is available in paperback or as an e-book and reminds us all that “you’re never too old to have one more adventure.” Very enjoyable!
June 25, 2014