Life Thoughts, Vol. 1
Hovig Nassanian
2025 / Hovig Sassanian
Review by Kathy Parsons
Life Thoughts, Vol. 1 is a collection of thoughts, comments, and personal observations of this thing we share called “life.” I first “met” Hovig Nassanian via his music a few years ago and really liked what he had to say through the medium of his piano compositions and playing, so I was very interested in seeing what he had to say in words - and I was not in the least bit disappointed! What really makes this book unique is that it is interactive and has many QR codes that can be scanned to go to various of Hovig’s pieces and podcast stories online while you read his book (or before or after!). (You can also search for the pieces he is referring to on the various online music sites and services.) The book is illustrated with clever and often humorous drawings for each of Hovig’s entries. The drawings were done by Sophie Frangi, one of Hovig’s former students. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this little book and recommend it to anyone who enjoys a warm sense of humor and feelings of kinship with someone from the other side of the globe (I’m in the US, Hovig is an Armenian living on Cyprus with his wife and son.). It might not have been intentional on Hovig’s part, but I think this little gem of a book provides a much-needed reminder right now that we as humans share so many more similarities than differences. AND if Hovig’s words and music bring smiles to those who read and listen to them, all the better!
Life Thoughts, Vol. 1 is available on Amazon. Very highly recommended!
March 21, 2025