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Pianotes #494 -
May 2024
Pianotes left image. Pianotes image. Pianotes right image.

I hope this finds you well! It seems like just last week that I did the April issue of "Pianotes," but here we are again! We're still getting a lot of rain here on the Oregon Coast, but the rhododendrons are starting the burst into bloom, so it's gorgeous!

Instead of trivia, I decided to use some of my collection of quotes about music between the articles. It's been quite a few years since I've used them, so I hope you will enjoy!
"The sense of musical delight, with the power of producing it, is a gift of the imagination." - Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)

”People who make music together cannot be enemies, at least not while the music lasts." - Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)

"The main thing the public demands of a composer is that he be dead."
- Arthur Honegger (1892-1955)

“You cannot imagine how it spoils one to have been a child prodigy.”
- Franz Liszt (1811-86)
New Reviews: I have another interesting selection of reviews for you this month! There are albums and singles from longtime friends and new artists as well. I also reviewed some sheet music and a songbook, so there is a lot to choose from! You can find links to all of them here.
"I only know two pieces---one is 'Clair de Lune' and the other one isn't."
- Victor Borge (1909-2000)

"Too many pieces of music finish too long after the end."
- Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)

"Music played at weddings always reminds me of the music played for soldiers before they go into battle." - Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)

“Without music, life would be an error.” Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
New Interviews and Articles: I did a couple of very interesting interviews in April. The first was with Spanish pianist/composer and the founder of Reviews New Age, Alejandro Clavijo. We have been longtime friends online, but I realized as I was putting questions together that I really didn't know much about him. It was fun to get better acquainted! The second interview was with Pam Asberry, who is releasing her tenth album in seven years this week (May 3, 2024)! It was fun catching up with her, too. I also posted an article by Donna Maurer called "From Scores to Screens: The Evolution of Piano Sheet Music in the Digital Age." Donna expressed an interest in submitting articles from time to time, so we thought we'd give it a try. Let me know what you think! Links to all of the above are here.
"I don't know anything about music. In my line you don't have to."
- Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

"Hell is full of musical amateurs." - George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

"If only the whole world could feel the power of harmony."
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

“The notes I handle no better than many pianists. But the pauses between the notes - ah, that is where the art resides.” - Artur Schnabel (1882-1951)
Whisperings Solo Piano Radio Album of the Year Nominees: Congratulations to the four artists who created the albums that have been nominated as Whisperings Album of the Year for 2023! I have reviewed three of the four albums, and will link to my reviews here. They are:

Michele McLaughlin: Luminous
Doug Hammer: Melancholia
Thad Fiscella: Beyond the Horizon

The fourth nominee is Jason Tonioli's "Songs For Peace."
"Life is for the living.
Death is for the dead.
Let life be like music
Death a note unsaid."
- Langston Hughes (1901-1967)

"The only escapes from the miseries of life are music and cats."
- Albert Schweitzer (1865-1975)

"Life is a lot like jazz - at its best when you improvise."
- George Gershwin (1898-1937)

"Let this be my epitaph: 'The only proof he needed for the existence of God was music.'" - Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007)
May Birthdays:

1: Lisa Downing, David Lewis & Joseph Nimoh
3: Kathleen Ryan & Calvin Jones
6: Louis Landon
7: Grayhawk David Gibney & Jim Combs
9: Josh Winiberg
10: Luis Berra
11: Clifford Borg & Richard Shulman
12: Joe Kenney
16: Reis Taylor Dixon & Trysette Loosemore
18: Gregg Karukas
20: Michael Borowski
22: Michelle Qureshi
23: Kostia Efimov
24: Igor Lisul
25: Adam Andrews
28: Peter Kater
29: Ira Stein
31: Shambhu Vineberg & Jeff Oster

Happy Birthday to all of you!!!
"Architecture is frozen music." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

"The only winner of The War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky." - Solomon Short (unknown)

"People compose for many reasons; to become immortal; because the pianoforte happens to be open; because they want to become a millionaire; because of the praise of friends; because they have looked into a beautiful pair of eyes; for no reason whatever." - Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
May Music Holidays and Observances:

All Month: International Drum Month

Weeks: International Mariachi Week - May 1-5, 2024
Great American Brass Band Week - May 30 - June 1, 2024

Weekends: Old Time Player Piano Weekend & National Polka Weekend - May 24-26, 2024 (Memorial Day Weekend)

5/2: National Play Your Ukulele Day
5/3: National Tuba Day & National Public Radio Day
5/4: Mariachi Day & Dave Brubeck Day
5/7: National Concert Day
5/11: World Belly Dance Day
5/14: National Chicken Dance Day & Stars and Stripes Forever Day
5/15: Relive Your Past by Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought No Matter What It Was No Excuses Day
5/20: National Band Director's Day
5/21: World Fiddle Day & Sing Out Day
5/22: National Buy a Musical Instrument Day
5/24: National Title Track Day
5/25: International Jazz Day & National Tap Dance Day
5/26: World Lindy Hop Day
5/27: Old Time Player Piano Day
“Playing the piano is a way of expressing oneself that is perhaps even more fulfilling than writing or speaking.” - Richard M. Nixon (1913-1994)

“Jazz is the result of the energy stored up in America.” - George Gershwin

“If I do not practice for one day, I know it; if I don’t practice for two days, the critics know it; if I don’t practice for three days, the audience knows it.”
- Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941)
I was surprised to discover that I didn't take any photos in April, so I decided to go 'way back to some of the concerts I hosted in Hercules, CA. These were in 2004-06. We all look so young! Enjoy and have a great month!

“A good composer does not imitate; he steals.” - Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)

"Certainly ‘jazz’ takes up a goodly share of the American’s time – too much, to my way of thinking. ‘Jazz’, like the well-known little girl with the curl, when it is good is very, very good, and when it is bad, it is horrid. The greater part of it is very bad. Its popularity is the result of the avowed tastes of those people who care only for music which is strongly rhythmical...And this wonderful art will, I am positive, some day disappear – when the dancer tires of it – unwept, unhonored, and unsung. It is raging now, to be sure, and has a considerable following, but does not truly represent America to the world; it does reflect a certain phase of the world’s life (not America’s alone) since it employs primitive rhythms which excite the basic human impulses. It will endure just as long as people hear it with their feet instead of their brains!”
- John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) *

*This quote always amazes me because as "The March King," didn't Sousa compose music designed to get people excited and moving???
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One of the first Whisperings concerts. Steven Cravis, Michael Dulin, Suzanne Ciani, David Nevue and Janie Horton. July 2004

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Whisperings the next day (7/2004). Back row: me, Scott D. Davis, Michael Dulin, David Nevue. Front row: Brenda Warren and Laura Sullivan

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Whisperings in Alabama 2005. Philip Wesley, George Skaroulis, Scott D. Davis, Michael Dulin, and David Nevue.

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House concert with Kevin Kern in Hercules 2005. David Nevue, Scott D. Davis and Kevin Kern

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House concert with David Lanz in Hercules 2006. Scott D. Davis, David Lanz, David Nevue and Jeff Bjorck.

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David Lanz
To the best of my knowledge, the "trivia" items are true, but I can't guarantee it.