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Album Review: You Bring Me Peace (single)
Ed and Carol Nicodemi
Cover image of the album You Bring Me Peace (single) by Ed and Carol Nicodemi
You Bring Me Peace (single)
Ed and Carol Nicodemi
2024 / Ed and Carol Nicodemi
3 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
"You Bring Me Peace" is a beautiful new love song written and performed by Ed and Carol Nicodemi - just in time for Valentine's Day! The single features vocals by Carol with Ed on piano and Rachel Gawell playing cello. Long-time collaborators in both life and music (with recordings done separately and together), their joint projects have a comfortable, easy grace that always seems to work really well. The song opens with a short solo piano intro before Carol's vocals begin. The smooth cello adds a mellow counterpoint to the piano, becoming more prominent as the song evolves. The bridge is a lovely piano and cello duet and then Carol returns with the closing verse. Very nicely done!

"You Bring Me Peace" is available to download or stream on Ed and Carol's website as well as Amazon, and can be streamed on various platforms including Spotify.
February 8, 2024
This review has been tagged as:
Single Release