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Album Review: Re-Invention (single)
Cover image of the album Re-Invention (single) by Estela
Re-Invention (single)
2018 / EstelaSounds
4 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Re-Invention (single) is the first-ever release by classically-trained concert pianist, Estela. Born and raised in Norwich, England and now living in Los Angeles, CA, Estela has always had a love for fusing classical music with more contemporary genres. Referring to Re-Invention as “Bach with a bite,” this energetic piece merges some of Bach’s well-known themes played on the piano with a strong beat and electronic grooves. The idea of giving classical music a more contemporary make-over isn’t new, but it’s been awhile since I’ve heard it done this well.

Estela began her music studies at the age of 13 at the Purcell School of Music in London. She went on to earn her degree in Music from Bristol University and a Masters specializing in performance from York University. After graduating, she worked as a concert pianist and musical director in Norwich, London and later in the US when she moved to Los Angeles in 2014.

I truly appreciate how Estela describes her approach to her music:
“Growing up performing as a concert pianist, I often found the settings and structures of classical concerts to be rigid and a little stiff or formal, something that the image of classical music does little to help and can often alienate younger audiences. I love to have a good time on stage. I love people to enjoy what I do and cheer and party along to it and I wanted to be able to convey the kind of atmosphere you get from going to a pop or rock concert while performing pieces steeped in the piano’s history. By writing this kind of music, I hope to bring two different worlds together and make both accessible. It fuses many different facets of music that I enjoy and I see no reason why they cannot work in tandem even though they seem worlds apart…. Image wise, I very much hope to come across as an empowering female. I firmly believe in creating a strong female figure that I hope will be inspiring to other young women in all walks of life, perhaps changing the traditional perception of female pianists and classical pianists.”
I’m very excited about this dynamic new artist and look forward to more of Estela’s musical creations! Re-Invention is available from Amazon, iTunes, Spotify and many streaming services. Very highly recommended!
May 30, 2018