Ten Years (Live From Casyc)
Hugo Selles
2022 / Milvus
43 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Ten Years (Live From Casyc) is a visual compilation album that celebrates the tenth anniversary of Hugo Selles' first album release, Memories of a Cold Place. This video album is available only on YouTube and is a series of eight videos of favorite pieces from several of his albums (solo and as Psychic Equalizer) played live. Some of the videos are solo piano and some are piano and keyboard - all are amazing! I am very happy to say that I have followed Hugo's career since that first album and he has become one of my very favorite artists. Also an extraordinary classical pianist, Hugo is one of the rare artists who knows no musical boundaries - from classical to jazz to rock to new age to experimental and many combinations of all of the above.
Born in Spain in 1988, Hugo Selles graduated from Jesús de Monasterio Conservatory of Music, Higher School of Music of the Basque Country Musikene, SAE Institute Madrid and The Royal Danish Academy of Music. He completed his Advance Post-Graduate Diploma Soloist Class at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in November 2017. He composes and performs with a wide range of artists in a variety of genres and has won many awards for his music.
The first video is "While You Were There But Not Here" from his debut album, Memories From a Cold Place (2012). Poignant and deeply expressive, it was my favorite track on that first album and is still a favorite. Gorgeous! “Møn” is from the 2019 album, Glerskáldskapur, also an album about a very cold place, and my favorite from that album. Stark and shimmering, Hugo plays this piece on both piano and keyboard (yes, at the same time! - fascinating to watch!) "Babaji" comes from Hugo's most recent album, Pianotramp (2022), which is his solo piano arrangements of music by Supertramp. "Susurros" appeared on the 2014 album by the same name and is from the soundtrack Hugo composed for a documentary film, also by the same name. "El Bosque Marino" is from Hugo's 2020 album, Ethereal, and is also performed on both piano and keyboard. The piece was composed for the opening act of a new cultural center in Santander, Selles’ hometown on the northern coast of Spain. Dark and very intense, it's a wonderfully expressive piece and another really fascinating video to watch to see how it's played. Love it! The much more peaceful piano solo, "La Pérdida," comes from another soundtrack Hugo composed and performed on, the 2013 documentary, En Los Brazos De La Luz, about the life and work of artist Enrique Gran. "Shinrin-Yoku" is a second piece from Glerskáldskapur and is also piano and keyboard - intense and very dynamic! The final video, "Back To Nowhere," is an improvisation based on Train Back Home (2014). Also keyboard and piano, this one has more of a jazz vibe with a strong rhythm and freely-flowing expression. Great stuff!
Whether you are a longtime fan of Hugo Selles' music or a newbie, these eight videos are an extraordinary demonstration of his artistry and it's a treat to be able to see them played live. Bravo! Watch them all on YouTube!
July 18, 2022
with Psychic Equalizer