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Album Review: Keys For Peace
Louis Landon
Cover image of the album Keys For Peace by Louis Landon
Keys For Peace
Louis Landon
2018 / Landon Creative
48 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Keys For Peace is a collection of thirteen solo piano compositions and improvisations by Louis Landon, one of the most prolific composers around. Despite his high-volume output, Landon’s albums are always top-notch both musically and production-wise. The music was recorded at The Peace Palace, Landon’s home recording studio, on his Steinway B grand piano and was mastered by Joe Bongiorno of Piano Haven Studio. Landon’s musical background is varied, and that is always reflected in his music, which doesn’t fit neatly into any genre or category - a good thing, I think! Overall, the music on this album has an energetic, uplifting spirit blended with depth and substance that will reveal itself the more you listen - there is no ear candy in the Landon repertoire!

Keys For Peace begins with “The Young Prince Awakens,” a beautiful piece about coming of age and discovering who you are. The elegant flow of the left hand gently supports the poignant melody - a favorite! “On the Path” expresses the feeling of moving forward while taking the time to seek and explore. The melody itself is simple yet very sincere while the flowing broken chords in the left hand propel it forward. I really like this one, too! “Big Time Open Hearted Love Channel” is a soaring love ballad for two people who finally found their soul-mates - and more power to them! “The Dance of Shadow and Light” is a little bit darker and hints at a sense of mystery. As light and shadows move with an unpredictable rhythm, the piece freely changes tempo, sometimes using major and sometimes minor chords. “Red Rock Beauty” is a buoyant and joyful reflection on the majesty and inspiration of the Sedona, AZ area. “Super Moon” is another favorite with the left hand in constant movement and the right hand creating an uncluttered but very effective counterpoint. “Ponder” has a strong jazz ballad feeling and a melody that could definitely support lyrics, although none are needed. Need a light-hearted energy-boost? “Joyous Voyage” should do that for you! With fingers dancing and swirling all over the piano keyboard with carefree abandon, this one is a real mood elevator! “It’s All Good” expresses a breezy, optimistic nature and always looking on the bright side. “Answers” has a more stately, classical feeling - also a favorite. “Peace Tribute” begins with a hypnotic left hand pattern that is repeated throughout the piece while the right hand freely improvises in a rich, slow jazz style that brings the album to a very satisfying close.

With close to thirty albums to his credit, Louis Landon is an amazing and inspiring artist who is truly “excellent and better all the time”! Keys For Peace is available from www.LouisLandon.com, Amazon, iTunes and CD Baby.
October 18, 2018
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