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Album Review: Love
Paul Avgerinos
Cover image of the album Love by Paul Avgerinos
Paul Avgerinos
2009 / Round Sky Music
63 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Paul Avgerinos has been a leader in the new age/ambient music movement for many years, and his latest release, Love, underscores why. Definitely on the ambient end of the musical spectrum, this music creates a mood of warm tranquility and holds it for a little over an hour, leaving the listener relaxed, refreshed, and uplifted. Avgerinos’ publicity sums up this release as, “Blissful Lullabies celebrating our highest vibration ~ Love,” so saying that it might put you to sleep is not a negative. Avgerinos appears on cello, bass violin, a variety of guitars, vocal choirs, synthesizeers, and sound design. Kevin Braheny Fortune plays clarinet, electronic wind instrument, alto flute, and soprano sax. He improvised the melodies for four of the tracks without accompaniment, and then Avgerinos orchestrated around his “brilliant poetic lyricism” (quoted from the liner notes).

In the background, Love provides a soothing and unobtrusive environment for working, reading, conversing, napping, or any number of activities. In the foreground, it will provide a massage for the mind and spirit and gently let the cares of the day slip away. Beautifully-engineered so that the sounds wrap you in their warmth and colors, this is ambient/new age music done right.

Love is available from RoundSkyMusic.com, Amazon, CD Baby, and iTunes.
November 23, 2009