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Album Review: Adrift In Wonder
Robert Linton
Cover image of the album Adrift  In Wonder by Robert Linton
Adrift In Wonder
Robert Linton
2019 / Robert Linton
63 minutes
Review by Michael Debbage
Acoustic guitarist Robert Linton has always been a refined and restrained minimalist artist who always pleases with the fine balance of allowing the listener to escape but not at the expense of boring you. With it being three years since his last impressive recording Beyond The Clearing, the wait is over. Needless to say, that winning streak continues as Robert Linton releases yet another impressive recording with the gorgeous Adrift In Wonder.

While Linton collaborated with several artists on his last recording that plan continues here. Once again, Sara Milonovich’s violin and Eugene Friesen’s cello are featured on three of the nine tracks. Jill Haley is also back on the English horn with the new addition of Premik Russell Tubbs on the EWI and alto flute. Produced by Corin Nelsen and Robert, it is still Linton’s simplistic yet surreal compositions and arrangements that are the focus of his latest recording. What does appear to standout is an apparent growing confidence in Robert Linton who presents his listeners with four tracks clocking in at over seven and eight minutes without ever losing our attention. The album opens with “Gliding The Current” that is probably Linton’s most accessible and melodic song to date, only to be followed up later on by the more spatial yet surreal tender flow of “Gentle Descent”. With no filler found, there are another seven tracks that will allow you to drift away from the chaos of life.

Needless to say, Robert Linton latest recording continues to display that he is one of the lead shepherds’ in the pastoral guitar genre. From performance to production Linton’s music is subtle and refined and remains one of the most consistent recording artists in his genre. So, if you wonder if you will drift during this pleasure palace of 63 minutes leave those doubts here as Adrift In Wonder is yet another remarkable recording from Linton.
September 28, 2019
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Guitar musicMichael's Picks
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