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Album Review: Be Still and Know
Sandra Berkley
Cover image of the album Be Still and Know by Sandra Berkley
Be Still and Know
Sandra Berkley
2024 / Joyful Noise Productions
48 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Be Still and Know is a beautiful and deeply personal collection of twelve piano solos composed and performed by Sandra Berkley. One track includes a medley of well-known hymns, but Sandra's music is an expression of faith, love and gratitude by way of her original compositions. Composed with praise in mind, each title includes a Bible verse that gives listeners insight into what Sandra was expressing in each piece (the quotes below are from the liner notes of the album). Whether or not you share Sandra's deep faith, this music is a warm, soothing and richly rewarding listening experience. The pieces aren't flashy, but the sincerity and depth of emotion Sandra conveys say it all.

Now living in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, Sandra Berkley started piano lessons at the age of six. She recorded this album at home on her August Förster grand piano, and the sound quality of the recording is excellent. Quoting Sandra: "I love composing music and blending both storytelling and my version of impressionism into my songs. This album is for me an affirmation of faith in God."

Be Still and Know begins with "His Face," a piece about longing to see the face of Jesus. Expressed with an almost child-like innocence, the sense of longing is profound. "Newness of Life" is about "being transformed into a new creation when becoming a believer in Christ." Light and very gentle, much of the piece is played in the upper octaves of the piano keyboard, giving it a feeling of freshness and renewal. "Walking on Water" is about stepping out in faith and recalls the Biblical story of a dark, stormy night on the Sea of Galilee when Peter saw Jesus walking on water and stepped out of the boat in faith and walked on the water to reach him. The gently rocking rhythm suggests the movement of a body of water and occasional bursts of higher notes suggest beams of moonlight dancing on the water - beautifully expressive and a favorite! The title track "is about affirming that God is our refuge, our strength, and our ever-present help... no matter what!" A quiet reverence and feelings of gratitude flow throughout the piece. "Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs" is a medley of old hymns that includes "Amazing Grace," "Holy, Holy, Holy," and "Just As I Am," woven together seamlessly. "Beautiful Mystery" addresses "spiritual rebirth through the power of the Holy Spirit." Passages of flowing broken chords very effectively suggest the movement of a swirling wind, a symbol of the Holy Spirit. The joyous "Delight in Him" is a bit of musical sunshine that also serves as a sincere song of praise. The album closes with "Followers," my favorite track on the album. In his own time, Jesus gathered followers who left everything to follow Him, and He is still gathering followers today. I really like the feeling of the left hand broken chords as well as the beauty and grace of the melody.

Be Still and Know is a beautiful album both spiritually and musically! It is available from Amazon, Apple Music/iTunes, Spotify, Bandcamp and other streaming sites. Very highly recommended!
December 15, 2024