Where Light and Shadow Meet (single)
Vicente Avella
2021 / Pandora's Boombox Records
4 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
"Where Light and Shadow Meet" is the fourth in a series of singles revolving around the physics of light by pianist/composer Vicente Avella. Recorded at home on his own Boston grand piano during the pandemic quarantine period, the piano sound is warm, rich and resonant. The piece is solo piano and Avella effectively uses the dampers to create a feeling of "shadowy" isolation and darkness. He explains his approach to the piece:
"While exploring the world of light and composing music that revolves around the physics of light, a logical turn was to also explore the world of shadow. This made sense to me, as a shadow is a direct response to the absence of light; a dark area produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface. As I explored both of these worlds, I found myself drawn to a unique boundary that occurs in this relationship of opposites, that is, the border where both of these worlds connect, where light and shadow meet."
Mysterious and hauntingly beautiful, "Where Light and Shadow Meet" is slow and very atmospheric, yet expresses deep emotion. It's really interesting that the last twenty seconds or so are a very gradual fade with the pedal depressed, allowing the sound to disappear on its own.
I'm very excited about this series of pieces and look forward to hearing more! "Where Light and Shadow Meet" is available from Amazon, iTunes/Apple Music and on Spotify.
May 19, 2021