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Album Review: Out of Silence
Cover image of the album Out of Silence by Yanni
Out of Silence
1987 / Private Music
46 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Out of Silence was Yanni’s third release back in 1987, and it was one of the first new age albums I ever bought - if not the first. To say I was enchanted with this music would be a gross understatement, and it’s one of the few albums I have on vinyl, cassette, and CD. After twenty-two years, it’s still one of my favorite albums. While browsing around Amazon and Barnes and Noble online, I was surprised to learn that the album was recently re-released on the Valley label (Private Music is long-gone, but was one of the prominent “new age” labels when the music was getting started as a genre). Since I always have new music on my desk for review, I don’t often have the luxury of listening to old favorites, so this was a real treat!

Several of the tracks on Out of Silence went on to become Yanni classics, appearing on his live albums and best of’s, but there are also some great pieces that, for whatever reason, didn’t achieve that kind of immortality. One of those is “The Mermaid,” a piece that was played on the radio as I was waking up for several weeks, starting my day with gentle music filled with longing and beauty. It’s still one of my favorite Yanni pieces, and I think I bought the album because of this song. My other favorite is “Paths on Water,” a piece that sparkles like light bouncing off water. The melody is passionate with a touch of melancholy, but the energy of the rhythm and percussion make the piece compelling. I still love this one, too!

“Sand Dance” begins the CD, and is a Yanni signature piece. Fully orchestrated, this one was especially appropriate live when Yanni was touring with a symphony orchestra. Big, bold, and unabashedly optimistic, it’s a happy toe-tapper. “Standing In Motion” is another classic and an audience favorite in concert with the pounding drums, complex rhythms, and sense of urgency - one of Yanni’s most joyous pieces. I’ve always really liked “Street Level,” which has a strong energy, but is a bit more relaxed. “Secret Vows” blisses out completely, floating on a sublime melody like a dream. “Point of Origin” is a huge, sweeping piece with many layers and high energy - there’s no sleeping through this one! “Acroyali” is another classic that gives the listener’s ears a chance to cool off after “Point of Origin.” Graceful and effortless, it’s a beauty!

If you missed Out of Silence the first time around, you have a second chance now! Check it out!
July 19, 2009
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Ageless Favorites
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