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Songbook Review: Miracle
Justin Levitt
Cover image of the songbook Miracle by Justin Levitt
Justin Levitt
2017 / Justin Levitt
36 pages / 6 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Miracle is Volume 5 in Justin Levitt’s series subtitled Six Pieces for Solo Piano. I have been involved with this series as proof-reader and editor, so I have had the privilege of really getting inside of this music and seeing how it works. One of the things I enjoy most about these books is the variety of the musical styles within each book. Some pieces are more classical, some are lyrical, some are romantic, one or two are jazzy or bluesy, and there are always surprises. Levitt’s music is becoming a vital part of the music scene in the SF Bay Area in that it is being performed by professional symphonies, danced to by the Diablo Ballet, and recently won an award in a film festival. That’s the short list of Levitt’s accomplishments. He has also won 1st place for four of his pieces in the Composers Today State Composition Awards (those pieces are included in Volumes 1-4 of this series). Look out, world, I think we have a major musical force emerging here! Plus, Justin Levitt one of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet! His warmth and humor run throughout his music, which he calls Life Music.

All of the books in the series are beautiful to look at as well as to play. Volumes 1 and 2 have dark blue covers, Volumes 3 and 4 are gray, and Volumes 5 and 6 are bright red; all of them have silver line drawings and text on the cover. The paper stock is substantial and should hold up to many years of use. The books are printed in the 9”x12” format, making the music spacious and very easy to read. They are stapled and stay open on the piano from the very first use. The books also include a composer bio and a note from Levitt about how to approach the music as well as his notes about each piece. Some of the pieces are more complicated than others, but none are daunting. I have been teaching piano for 37 years, and while none of this music is for beginners or even intermediate pianists, those at an early-advanced and advanced level should have little trouble mastering any of these pieces with some practice. Currently, the books are available exclusively from www.JustinLevitt.com. Very highly recommended!

The title of each piece, the key(s) it is in, and the number of pages are:

Sway - Key of F minor (4 flats) - 3 pages
Living - Key of G (1 sharp)/ Eb (3 flats) - 3 pages
Miracle - Key of Eb / Cb (7 flats) - 7 pages
I Want You to Know - Key of Ab (4 flats) - 3 pages
Mysterious Me - Key of Cb (7 flats) - 6 pages
Waltward’s Theme - Key of C# minor (4 sharps)/ Db (5 flats)/ A (3 sharps) - 4 pages
December 18, 2017
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