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Songbook Review: Luminous
Michele McLaughlin
Cover image of the songbook Luminous by Michele McLaughlin
Michele McLaughlin
2022 / Michele McLaughlin Music
55 pages / 10 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Luminous is the companion sheet music book for Michele McLaughlin's 2022 solo piano album by the same name. All ten pieces from the album are included, transcribed note-for-note to the recording by John Zechiel and proof-read by me. The songbook also includes the stunning artwork from the album on the front and back covers as well as Michele's bio. Inspired by different kinds of light and dark, most of these pieces express a warm contentment and peaceful feelings. Michele used some of the features on her Fazioli piano to soften the piano sound and make it more delicate, and that can't be notated in the sheet music, but using a lighter playing touch or the soft pedal on your piano should give a similar effect.

None of the ten pieces are difficult, but playing with expression and emotion will make them come alive! The printed books are spiral-bound and printed on a medium-weight paper stock for easier page turns as well as durability. Downloadable PDF songbooks and individual sheet music downloads will also be available on the release date. (Printed books can be pre-ordered now). Most of the pieces are in less-complicated key signatures (see below), and none of the rhythms are difficult. There are no reaches of more than an octave. Pianists of all ages will enjoy this music, which is suitable for teaching as well as personal enjoyment.

Luminous songbooks and sheet music are available from Michele's website Recommended!!!

The titles of the pieces, the key(s) they are in, and the number of pages are:

Droplets of Gray - Key of C minor/ Eb major (3 flats) - 6 pages
When You Hurt, I Hurt - Key of C (0 sharps or flats) - 6 pages
Kaleidoscope - Key of F (1 flat) - 7 pages
Shimmer - Key of G (1 sharp)/ C (0 sharps or flats) - 3 pages
Moonlit Shadows - Key of D minor (1 flat) - 5 pages
The Golden Hour - Key of G (1 sharp) - 4 pages
Luminous - Key of D minor (1 flat)/ G minor (2 flats)/ C minor (3 flats)/ F minor (4 flats) - 5 pages
Fireflies - Key of A minor (0 sharps or flats) - 6 pages
Adrift - Key of Eb minor (6 flats) - 3 pages
Lanterns In the Sky - Key of C (0 sharps or flats) - 6 pages
November 7, 2022
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