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Songbook Review: Finding Solace
Philip Wesley
Cover image of the songbook Finding Solace by Philip Wesley
Finding Solace
Philip Wesley
2013 / Autumn Music Productions
59 pages / 12 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Finding Solace is the companion sheet music book to Philip Wesley’s 2003 debut CD by the same name. All twelve piano solos from the album are included, notated to match the recording as closely as possible. The book is spiral-bound with full-color covers, and the music is printed on a medium-weight bright white paper stock. The notation is clear and easy to read with suggested pedal markings and metronome settings. Most of the pieces are at an upper-intermediate to early-advanced playing level, and there are only a few reaches of more than an octave. The music expresses a variety of emotions, making the book a lot of fun to play. The rhythms are fairly straight-forward, although there are quite a few time signature changes within the pieces - something that happens a lot in Wesley’s music, but that doesn’t make it any more difficult. I should probably mention that the arrangement of “Lamentations of the Heart” is the one from the Finding Solace album, which is a little different from the version on Dark Night of the Soul. (I mention that because this is one of Philip’s most popular pieces.) Finding Solace is available exclusively from www.PhilipWesley.com in either a printed version or as a download; downloads of the individual pieces are also available there. Recommended!

The song titles, the keys they are in, and the number of pages are:

At This Moment - Key of E (4 sharps) - 5 pages
Autumn Romance - Key of D (2 sharps) - 5 pages
Celestial Reverie - Key of G (1 sharp) - 5 pages
Finding Solace - Key of Db (5 flats) - 5 pages
Journey Home - Key of F (1 flat) - 4 pages
Lamentations of the Heart - Key of E minor (1 sharp) - 5 1/2 pages
Love’s Last Embrace - Key of A (3 sharps) / Bb (2 flats) - 6 pages
Ocean of Color - Key of A - 2 pages
Still Waters Run Deep - Key of D - 9 pages
Tabatha’s Song - Key of A minor (0 sharps or flats) / A major (3 sharps) - 4 pages
The Awakening - Key of Db (5 flats) - 4 pages
The Long Goodbye - Key of F minor (5 flats) - 3 pages
December 20, 2016