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Songbook Review: Solo Piano Collection, Volume 1
Philip Wesley
Cover image of the songbook Solo Piano Collection, Volume 1 by Philip Wesley
Solo Piano Collection, Volume 1
Philip Wesley
2010 / Autumn Music Productions
84 pages / 12 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
The Philip Wesley Solo Piano Collection, Volume 1 is a compilation sheet music book with selections from four of Wesley’s recordings. There are three pieces each from Finding Solace and In a Lifetime, two from Comfort and Joy, and four from Dark Night of the Soul. The book is spiral bound and printed on a bright white, medium-weight paper stock with full-color covers front and back. Some of the phrasing is marked and some is not. Metronome settings and pedaling suggestions are included, as is Philip’s bio and discography. The book has been transcribed to be as close to the recordings as possible, and the notation is clear and easy to read. Most of these pieces are at an upper-intermediate to early-advanced playing level, so more advanced pianists should be able to just sit down and play most of this music. It’s a very enjoyable collection to play through, and I can easily recommend it. Philip Wesley’s sheet music and songbooks are currently available only from his website. Songbooks are in printed form or as a PDF download. The pieces are also available singly in download form.

The song titles, the keys they are in, and the number of pages are:

At This Moment - Key of E (4 sharps) / G (1 sharp) - 5 pages
Lamentations of the Heart - Key of E minor (1 sharp) - 5 1/2 pages
Tabatha’s Song - Key of A minor (0 sharps or flats) / A major (3 sharps) - 4 pages
Equestrian Dream - Key of Eb (3 flats) - 9 pages
Love Remembered - Key of Bb (2 flats) - 5 pages
Wings to Freedom - Key of E - 8 pages
Carol of the Bells - Key of G minor (2 flats) - 7 pages
O Christmas Tree - Key of G - 7 pages
Dark Night of the Soul - Key of G major / E minor (1 sharp) - 9 pages
Light and Shadow - Key of Ab (4 flats) - 7 pages
Racing Against the Sunset - Key of B minor (2 sharps)/ C minor (3 flats) - 9 pages
The Approaching Night - Key of E minor - (1 sharp) - 7 pages
January 17, 2017