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Songbook Review: Relax
Tim Neumark
Cover image of the songbook Relax by Tim Neumark
Tim Neumark
2023 / Tim Neumark
40 pages / 12 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
The Relax songbook is the companion sheet music collection for Tim Neumark's 2023 solo piano album by the same name. All twelve tracks from the album were transcribed note-for-note to the recording by John Zechiel and proof-read by me to assure that the sheet music matches the recording as closely as possible. The album is subtitled Background music for restaurants, spas, and bedtime, giving the listener a strong indication that this is not a collection of dynamic, forceful piano solos, but is music intended for relaxation and to help induce sleep. I know many pianists who play the piano to help them unwind and de-stress, and this music is perfect for that. None of the pieces are difficult and most are three pages or less, so this is also excellent teaching material for advancing piano students.

Quoting Tim Neumark:

"The pieces on this album include much more repetition than my typical compositions, and every piece begins quietly and almost never varies. Piano players will notice in the sheet music that every piece begins in mp and there are almost no dynamic changes. (The lone exception is 'Relax: C Minor' — which was renamed from its previously-mentioned title 'Asian Restaurant Background Music #1' — which goes to p a couple times.)"

The titles of the pieces, the key they are in and the number of pages are:

Relax: E Major (4 sharps) - 4 pages
Relax: Ab Major (4 flats) - 2 pages
Relax: D Major (2 sharps) - 2 pages
Relax: G Major (1 sharp) - 3 pages
Relax: Db Major (5 flats) - 3 pages
Relax: C Minor (3 flats) - 3 1/2 pages
Relax: Bb Major (2 flats) - 2 1/2 pages
Relax: Eb Major (3 flats) - 3 pages
Relax: G Minor (2 flats) - 5 pages
Relax: C Major (0 sharps or flats) - 3 pages
Relax: A Major (3 sharps) - 2 pages
Relax: F Major (1 flat) - 3 pages

The Relax sheet music is available as a spiral-bound printed songbook or a PDF download from Tim's website. Individual pieces are available from SheetMusicPlus.com and SheetMusicDirect.com.
August 23, 2023
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