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Album Review: Atlantis (single)
David Clavijo
Cover image of the album Atlantis (single) by David Clavijo
Atlantis (single)
David Clavijo
2024 / David Clavijo
6 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
"Atlantis" is an exciting new single by Spanish composer/guitarist (and much more!), David Clavijo. The piece intertwines the legend of the ancient civilization (Atlantis) disappearing into the ocean without a trace with a love story where one person suddenly disappears, leaving a profound void in the other. Fully orchestrated with lead vocals and a choir, plus ocean sounds and an electric guitar solo, it's a very impressive production that defies genre and categorization (I always love that!). Kind of pop, kind of new age, and kind of wonderful, it shows us a side of David Clavijo that I haven't heard before, and I really like it!

"Atlantis" is available from Amazon, Apple Music/iTunes and streaming platforms including Spotify. Don't miss this magical listening experience!
July 21, 2024
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