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Album Review: Aria (single)
David Lanz and Kristin Amarie
Cover image of the album Aria (single) by David Lanz and Kristin Amarie
Aria (single)
David Lanz and Kristin Amarie
2022 / Dkl Records
3 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
"Aria" is a single composed and performed by David Lanz and Kristin Amarie. Primarily a vocal piece, it begins with a piano (Lanz), violin (Charlie Bisharat), and cello (Cameron Stone) trio that lasts about 20 seconds, and then it becomes much more symphonic. Produced by David Arkenstone, the song has a very big, cinematic sweep that is elegant and graceful. Personally, I would love to hear more of the piano, as David Lanz is one of my all-time favorite pianist/composers, but I "get" that artists need to move in different directions. It's a beautiful song and Kristin's voice soars - I just miss David's piano.

"Aria" is available to download and/or stream from DavidLanz.com, Amazon, Apple Music/iTunes, Spotify and many other sites.
May 24, 2022
This review has been tagged as:
Single Release
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