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Album Review: Woodland Paintings (single)
Diane Wheeler Dunn
Cover image of the album Woodland Paintings (single) by Diane Wheeler Dunn
Woodland Paintings (single)
Diane Wheeler Dunn
2022 / Diane Wheeler Dunn
7 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
"Woodland Paintings" (single) by Diane Wheeler Dunn is tranquility set to music. A soulful Native American style flutist, the instrumentation also includes keyboard washes and occasional bell-like tones that combine to evoke images of sunlight filtering down through the trees of a forest with both majesty and grace. Quoting a recent blog on Diane's website:

"Trees are rooted, they can see from high above and below ground, they know the creatures who visit them, how to survive in varying weather conditions, and what’s best to bring up their offspring.

"When I go into the forest, I feel as if I am entering a cathedral. The air is different, the light and the sound sharpen my attention. Wind becomes breath, breath becomes song. Breath interchanging, trees inhaling our exhales and vice versa. The woodlands contain wisdom of which I can only scratch at the surface."

More ambient than melodic, the pace of the music is slow and fluid, casting a magical spell as it soothes and relaxes. Forests and other groves of trees are wonderful places to experience
nature's artistry, and this music reflects that so well.

"Woodland Paintings" is available to download and/or stream from Amazon, Apple Music/iTunes and sites such as Spotify.
March 9, 2022
This review has been tagged as:
Single Release