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Album Review: Always and Forever (single)
Igor Lisul
Cover image of the album Always and Forever (single) by Igor Lisul
Always and Forever (single)
Igor Lisul
2021 / Igor Lisul
5 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
"Always and Forever" is a soulful single release from Serbian composer/guitarist Igor Lisul. Lisul's electric guitar is backed with synth string washes and a driving drum and bass rhythm, making the piece closer to a pop instrumental than new age, but that isn't important for our purposes! Warm and very expressive, the piece could easily be the soundtrack to a romantic slow dance that becomes more intense and passionate as it unfolds. This is the fourth single that I've reviewed of Igor Lisul's music this year, and I really like the sincerity and emotional power of his music.

"Always and Forever" is currently available from Amazon and streaming sites such as Spotify. More links will be added as they become available.
December 24, 2021
This review has been tagged as:
Guitar musicSingle Release
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