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Album Review: Delicate Harmony
Igor Lisul
Cover image of the album Delicate Harmony by Igor Lisul
Delicate Harmony
Igor Lisul
2023 / Igor Lisul
26 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Delicate Harmony is a 10-track solo guitar album by Serbian composer/guitarist Igor Lisul. A left-handed guitarist, Igor plays the strings in the reverse order of traditional stringing. Igor himself recommends the album for relaxing, listening before going to bed, spending time in nature or for meditation. "... most of the songs have been inspired by my only and true love princess Naomi, from Japan." All ten guitar solos are originals that are performed without a lot of flash or fanfare - honest, sincere and from the heart. Igor has released seven albums and a series of singles since 2011.

Delicate Harmony begins with "Inspired," a gently bittersweet song-without-words told simply and with deep emotion. "Birth of a New Day" overflows with warmth and optimistic expectations for the fresh start that occurs each morning. The dreamy "Beautiful Life" reflects on the good and positive things in life that bring joy and true happiness. I can't think of many things that are more beautiful than watching snow fall, listening to the profound silence as snowflakes do their graceful, sparkling dance as they make their way from the sky to the ground. Igor captures that in both "Dance of the Snowflakes" and later in the album, "First Flakes of Snow." "Silence" feels very solitary and isolated, looking inward and expressing those feelings. Warmth and tenderness flow from every note of "Love" and "A Gift From You." "The Song of a Sad Fairy" reminds me of some of the ballads of yore that told legends and stories set to music. "Wings" has a gently uplifting lilt that makes me think of tiny hummingbirds darting around from flower to flower, bush to bush, flashing their iridescent colors but rarely making a sound. It's a lovely close to an album intended to soothe the soul and relax the mind.

Delicate Harmony is available from Amazon, Apple Music/iTunes, and streaming sites including Bandcamp and Spotify. Check it out!
May 8, 2023
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Guitar music