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Album Review: Awakening
Marc Enfroy
Cover image of the album Awakening by Marc Enfroy
Marc Enfroy
2009 / Enfroy Music
42 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Awakening is Marc Enfroy’s follow-up to his 2008 debut, Unbounded, which earned New Age Reporter’s “Best Neo-Classical Album” Lifestyle Award for the year. Enfroy calls his music “cinematic piano,” and he creates a sweeping soundscape that is warm, visual, and inviting. To take his music to the next level, instead of only electronic instrumentation, Enfroy includes Jillian Aversa’s vocals, Janet Sullins on violin, and Jack Chen on flute, giving the music a fuller and much more natural sound. The richness and cohesiveness of the music is quite astounding when you consider that Enfroy started teaching himself to compose in 2006, following the tragic death of his sister to cancer. If his music is this good after only two albums, what will it be like in five years? An exciting thought!

The album begins with “Always,” a graceful and lovely piece that would be perfect in a movie scene of poignant triumph of any kind or to enhance the visuals of a stunning landscape. Flute and violin tug at the heartstrings along with the piano and ethereal vocals. “Before the Dawn” depicts the stillness and calm of a new day as it begins. A piano piece with wordless vocals, it creates a lovely picture. “Along the Crystal Shore” lightens the mood to a carefree level with playful piano, flute, bells, and voice. “Above the Clouds,” a piece for piano and angelic choir, suggests floating effortlessly in the endless blue sky above the clouds - perfect peace and contentment. “Reflections in Deep Blue” is a favorite. A bit more melancholy and nostalgic than the other pieces, it is goes deep and touches the heart. I also really like “Wistful Visions,” with its bittersweet dreaminess and fluid melody. “Maiden of the Morning Star” has a simple grace that elevates it to the heavens. “Finding Elysium” concludes the album with an evocative piece well-suited to the closing credits of a film.

Awakening is an excellent second effort, and should win Marc Enfroy many new fans. The official release date is June 16, 2009, but Enfroy is taking advance orders on his website - www.marcenfroy.com. Recommended!
June 2, 2009
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