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Album Review: Dreams of the Forest
Marc Enfroy
Cover image of the album Dreams of the Forest by Marc Enfroy
Dreams of the Forest
Marc Enfroy
2012 / Enfroy Music
55 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Dreams of the Forest is Marc Enfroy’s fourth full-length album composed in a style he calls “cinematic piano.” I think this is by far his best work to date. Enfroy started composing music when he was given his sister’s keyboard after she died of melanoma in 2006. Composing and playing music were utilized to help him work through his grief, so it’s amazing that two years later Enfroy released his first album, Unbounded, which went on to win awards and to gain world-wide attention. Last year’s Unconditional was produced by Randy and Pamela Copus of 2002 and was influenced by their very distinctive sound. This time around, Enfroy has reached his stride with a style uniquely his own. Enfroy plays keyboard and virtual instruments and is joined by Jack Chen on flute and piccolo. Mixing and mastering was done by Corin Nelsen, and the sound quality is perfect. The basic storyline of the album is that a girl or woman escapes the worry of her restless world by suddenly being transported to the most serene forest glade she could ever imagine. In the stillness, the trees begin to speak to her in soft melodies so beautiful that she cries a tear, wishing the dream would never end. The grace and splendor of the fourteen pieces create a warm and peaceful escape we can return to whenever we want or need such a place to relax and be refreshed.

Dreams of the Forest begins with “The Forest Awakens,” a colorful and tranquil piece that sets the gentle tone of the album with ethereal voices and sweeping strings in addition to the piano. “Waiting for Sunrise” has a magical sparkle behind the gracefully seductive flute. Who could resist following the “piper” into such a wondrous place? “Woodland Waltz” evokes images of trees gently swaying to the rhythm of a soft breeze as woodland creatures dance to the lovely melody. “Fireflies” also has a magical quality that makes it irresistible. “Goodbye Summer” is a favorite. Poignant and full of longing, the beautiful piano melody is enhanced with voices, flute, and strings. “Reaching for the Sky” is a gorgeous ode to the trees and their sweeping majesty. “Pines in the Mist” is another favorite with its simple piano melody and shimmering accompaniments (flute, strings, and voices) - so peaceful! “In the Still Air” is a lovely vignette that invites you to breathe deeply and savor the taste of the forest. “The Return of Spring” conveys the wonder of rebirth and new life - enchanting and very visual. “Postlude” is a warm and bittersweet farewell to a wondrous experience in this mythical place. Luckily for us, we can easily return again and again, always discovering something new in the music as our own dreams of the forest evolve over time.

Dreams of the Forest proves beyond a doubt that Marc Enfroy is a major player in the instrumental music field. This excellent album is available from www.marcenfroy.com, Amazon, iTunes, and CD Baby. Very highly recommended!
June 12, 2012
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