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Album Review: The Immortal (2020 single)
Matias Baconsky
Cover image of the album The Immortal (2020 single) by Matias Baconsky
The Immortal (2020 single)
Matias Baconsky
2020 / Matias Baconsky
6 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
“The Immortal” is the final version of the first single release from Argentinian pianist/composer Matias Baconsky’s upcoming third full-length album, Epochal. (To avoid any confusion, the first version is no longer available.) “The Immortal” is an incredibly powerful, fully-orchestrated piece that seems even more frightening with the current state of the world. Epochal picks up where Baconsky’s 2018 album, When the World Ends, left off. Quoting Baconsky’s promotional material:

“As I wander through the ravaged streets I think about the possibility of finding someone else alive. But I also contemplate the worst possible scenario: being completely alone. Then. Why me? What’s the use of living on? A mix of feelings assaults me: Sadness. Anger. Joy. What am I supposed to feel? Sadness about losing everything and everyone? The joy of still being alive? At this point, I’m not sure what to feel, but my only hope is believing that I’m not the only one and that soon I’ll find someone else.”

Very heavy stuff, and the dark, cinematic music of “The Immortal” conveys all of those emotions and more. The piano plays a prominent part in the music which includes choral voices in addition to the symphonic orchestra.

“The Immortal” is a very tantalizing teaser of what promises to be an incredible album! The single is available from Amazon, Apple/iTunes, Spotify and YouTube.
April 15, 2020
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