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Album Review: Nightingale
Michael Hoppé and Giuditta
Cover image of the album Nightingale by Michael Hoppé and Giuditta
Michael Hoppé and Giuditta
2015 / Spring Hill Music
57 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Michael Hoppé’s incredible music has gone through many incarnations over the years - in collaboration with piano, flute, cello, harmonica, symphony orchestra, behind recited poetry and prayers, etc. Nightingale, his newest release, came about purely by accident - or destiny. Hoppé and lyricist David George had co-written a number of songs and had been searching for the right voice to sing them for a long time. Hoppé made his singing debut on his 2013 release, Grace, singing “Love Overflows,” but the other songs remained unreleased. When Hoppé and his wife were in Tuscany the summer of 2013, they visited the town of San Gimignano. While on an afternoon walk, they heard a woman strumming her guitar and singing “in a most beautiful voice.” She was selling her CD of Tuscan folk songs and Hoppé bought one, leaving his business card and contact information in her basket. When Hoppé and his wife returned home, they had an email from Giuditta, who had researched Hoppé’s music online and asked if she could record “Love Overflows.” Her version was so beautiful that they decided to do a whole album of music by Hoppé and George, produced by Giuditta’s producer/guitarist husband, Alessandro Bongi. The results are stunning!

Giuditta’s voice is perfectly suited to Hoppé’s heartfelt melodies as well as George’s poetic lyrics. Known as a folk singer in Italy, Giuditta Scorcelletti’s voice is strong yet delicate, passionate and pure, and without affectation. The instrumentation is simple and is mostly acoustic guitar, but a few of the sixteen tracks have subtle flutes, keyboard, bass, cello, and others. However, it is always Giuditta’s voice that is front and center.

Michael Hoppé has been one of my very favorite artists since the late 1990’s, so some of these songs are very familiar as he has created different versions of some of them, but Giuditta’s fresh interpretations make them sparkle as if brand new. David George’s poetic lyrics cover many subjects and Giuditta’s lovely voice brings the words to life. This album is a rare treat for the senses, and one that came about through what Hoppé calls a miracle - it was just meant to be! Sure to be one of my Favorites for the year, Nightingale is available from SpringHillMedia.com, Amazon and iTunes. I give it my highest recommendation!
May 12, 2015
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Kathy's Favorites: 2015
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