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Album Review: Flesh & Bone
Pagan Saints
Cover image of the album Flesh & Bone by Pagan Saints
Flesh & Bone
Pagan Saints
1998 / EarthSea Records
56 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
“Pagan Saints” is another incredible release from EarthSea Records! Sensual, earthy, passionate, dark, rhythmic, and haunting are all words that immediately come to mind while listening to this CD. A combination of instrumental pieces featuring Peter Kater (piano/keyboards), David Darling (cello), and Paul McCandless (woodwinds) to name a few, and the amazing vocals of Chris White, the music is about “the loss and regaining of faith, offering the reverent and committed relationship between lovers as a path to spiritual understanding.” Chris White’s lyrics have an honest, mature, and strong feminine point of view of a long-term relationship that has lost its sparkle - poetic and refreshing! The music was composed by Chris White and Peter Kater, separately and in collaboration, and the contrast in styles is seamless, but fascinating. The tone of the CD is no frolic in a meadow of wildflowers. It is somber and searching - the reality of examining a relationship that has become routine and exploring ways of bringing new meaning to it. The music is powerful and emotional with and without lyrics, and deepens with each listening. There isn’t a weak track on the CD, but I am repeatedly moved by the opening “Where?”, as well as “Come to You”, and “Faithful” - all three are poetry set to music, and the emotions are profound. This is an extraordinary CD, and I highly recommend it!
August 8, 1998
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Kathy's Favorites: 1999
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