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Songbook Review: Oceanea (single)
Doug Hammer
Cover image of the songbook Oceanea (single) by Doug Hammer
Oceanea (single)
Doug Hammer
2024 / Dreamworld Productions
4 pages / 1 song
Review by Kathy Parsons
"Oceanea" is Doug Hammer's arrangement of Thomas Dolby's 2011 song re-imagined for solo piano. Also released as a single, the sheet music matches Doug's recording as closely as possible (I proof-read it!). Doug and I agreed that even though this piece is slow and is not difficult to play physically, it should be rated as "challenging" because of the tricky rhythms. The song is beautiful and heartfelt, as is Doug's arrangement, so it is well-worth it to count out the timing until it is "in your fingers." Once that happens, it should flow freely. Listening to the recording several times will also help a lot!

Because of Doug's wide hand-span, there are some reaches of more than an octave, but I found it easy to play some of the out-of-reach notes with the other hand. Or the chords can be changed to octaves or rolled. Whichever works for your hands is fine!

"Oceanea" is four pages and is in the key of A Major (3 sharps). It's a beautiful arrangement and very enjoyable to play! It is available as a PDF download from Doug Hammer's website.
May 24, 2024
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