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Songbook Review: Winterfelt Lullabies
James Michael Stevens
Cover image of the songbook Winterfelt Lullabies by James Michael Stevens
Winterfelt Lullabies
James Michael Stevens
2024 / James M Stevens Music
31 pages / 10 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Winterfelt Lullabies is the companion sheet music book for James Michael Stevens' late-2024 album by the same title. Transcribed and notated by the composer, these are the actual scores that James Michael Stevens used when he was recording the album. As the title suggests, the ten piano solos in this songbook are peaceful and soothing and are appropriate as lullabies for "kids" of any age. Even better, the ten original piano solos are also soothing to play and enjoy for relaxation as well as to listen to. The "felt" part of the title refers to the fact that Dr. Stevens created and recorded this music on a felted piano where soft fabric (such as felt) is placed between the hammers and strings of the piano to soften the percussive effect of the hammers hitting the strings when they are pressed. It's a really nice effect, but I think these ten pieces sound just as good on an un-felted piano (that's what I played them on).

None of the ten pieces in this collection are long or difficult to play. They are all three pages each and most of the music is played with single notes on each hand. A few pieces have three-note chords, but not many. There are no stretches of more than an octave. Most of the rhythms are also relatively simple, so I would say that most pianists at an early-intermediate and a little higher should have little trouble with this music. More advanced pianists will likely be able to pick up this music and play it fairly well without much practice. The sheet music is well-spaced and easy to read with most of the phrasing indicated. Metronome settings are included for each piece and all are at a very relaxed tempo. It's a very enjoyable collection to play and the pieces are available as the complete album as well as by single pieces from SheetMusicPlus.com and SheetMusicDirect.com. I would recommend this songbook to pianists at any age, but I would expect that older kids and adults would have a better appreciation for the expressive quality of the music.

The titles of the pieces and the key(s) they are in are listed below. All of the pieces are three pages each:

Winterfelt Lullaby No. 1 (Felt Piano) - Key of E minor (1 sharp)
Winterfelt Lullaby No. 2 (Snow Angels) - Key of E major (4 sharps)/E minor (1 sharp)
Winterfelt Lullaby No. 3 (Pristine Prelude) - Key of B minor (2 sharps)
Winterfelt Lullaby No. 4 (Phrygian Winter) - Key of A minor (0 sharps or flats)
Winterfelt Lullaby No. 5 (Flurries) - Key of G major (1 sharp)
Winterfelt Lullaby No. 6 (Talia's Waltz - Key of Eb major (3 flats
Winterfelt Lullaby No. 7 (A Peaceful Snow) - Key of A minor (0 sharps or flats)/ A major (3 sharps)
Winterfelt Lullaby No. 8 (Sweet December) - Key of D major (2 sharps)
Winterfelt Lullaby No. 9 (Elegance) - Key of F major (1 flat)
Winterfelt Lullaby No. 10 (Snow in the Pines) - Key of F major/D minor (1 flat)
January 16, 2025
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