Solo Piano Music Collection, Vol. 1
Michael Logozar
2012 / Michael Logozar
54 pages / 11 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
As its title suggests, Solo Piano Music Collection, Vol. 1 is Michael Logozar’s first sheet music collection. The book consists of five pieces from Michael’s 2012 CD, Time, and six from his 2008 debut, Coming Into View. The collection is available as either a beautiful spiral-bound book or a download. The scores are printed on a heavier stock than a standard bond paper, but it isn’t so heavy that it makes page turns difficult. The notation is clear, crisp, and well-spaced. Dynamics, pedal indications, and metronome settings are all included. Only a few places have a reach of more than an octave, so pianists with average-sized hands will have no problems. Most of the timing is relatively straight-forward and only one piece has a key signature that I would consider tricky (Gb, which includes Cb). None of the pieces are overly difficult, and pianists at an upper-intermediate and early-advanced level (or higher, obviously!) should have no problem mastering this music. Time was one of my favorite albums for 2012, so I really enjoy playing this book! Recommended!
The titles, they keys the pieces are in, and the number of pages are all listed below:
The River - Key of Ab (4 flats) - 6 pages
Awakening - Key of F (1 flat) - 3 pages
The Fisherman’s Tale - C (0 sharps or flats) - 5 pages
Midnight Waltz - C minor (3 flats) - 5 pages
Time - Db (5 flats) - 4 pages
Orchard Hill - Eb (3 flats) - 4pages
Linger - Ab (3 flats) - 4 pages
The Promise - Gb (6 flats) - 4 pages
Waiting - B minor (2 sharps) - 5 pages
If I Could - C minor (3 flats) - 6 pages
Coming Home - C (0 sharps or flats) - 6 pages
March 18, 2013