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Book - Fantasy: Legacy of Ra
M. Sasinowski
Cover image of the product Legacy of Ra by M. Sasinowski
Legacy of Ra
M. Sasinowski
2019 / Kingsmill Press
Kindle edition - 288 pages
Review by Kathy Parsons
Legacy of Ra is the last book in a trilogy called Blood of Ra by M. Sasinowski. I found the first two books in the series impossible to put down for any length of time, and I think Book 3 is even more intense! Amazon categorizes the books as “Teen & Young Adult Ancient Civilization Fiction,” but I would think that readers of any age who enjoy a suspenseful, well-written adventure story without a lot of swearing, graphic violence or sex would thoroughly enjoy this series. The plot is complex and there are a lot of characters to keep straight, so this isn’t children’s fiction. Fortunately, Sasinowski has included a reference section at the beginning of the book that gives a brief summary of each of the relevant characters. Some Egyptian mythology is woven into the plot, but it is well-defined and doesn’t require knowledge of the subject to make sense in the story. (I was initially drawn to the series because I had studied Egyptian art history in college and thought it would be fun to revisit and review some of that - and it was!) Switching back and forth from ancient times to the present, there are many plot twists that will keep the reader guessing and wanting to know what happens next!

It seems that the majority of adventure/fantasy stories like this one are generally male-dominated and male-oriented, but Sasinowski gives all of his characters a strong dose of intelligence, strength and ingenuity. The lead character, Alyssa Morgan, is inspiring in her drive to do the right thing despite impossible odds. She has a warm and loving softer side, and cares deeply for the people in her life; she is also fiercely determined. Challenges and obstacles come fast and unexpectedly, keeping the reader on the edge of his or her seat. I enjoyed the wild ride of this series immensely!

Legacy of Ra and the other two volumes, Heir of Ra and Daughter of Ra, are available from Amazon.
December 17, 2019
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