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Pianotes #463 -
November 2021
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I hope all of you had a fun and safe Halloween! Many thanks to everyone who sent me two things they are grateful for. The response was so good that I decided to use those instead of trivia this month, so enjoy!
IGOR LISUL: This year was rather sentimental for me. I actually met my true love, Naomi from Japan and that would be the first thing I am grateful and thankful for. The second thing I am grateful and thankful for is meeting you and your lovely website www.mainlypiano.com . I would like to thank you for helping me out to succeed as a musician by writing reviews for me and my music.

BEVERLY RITZ: Having a job playing piano for a live audience and living in the woods where I can walk and run with my dogs everyday.

TIM NEUMARK: I'm thankful to be a part of a community of artists who really help each other out. I'm thankful to have basic necessities like a safe place to live, food in my pantry, and running water.

SAKRE EDSON: I am grateful for my grandchildren.

ART DAVIS: My home in the Texas Hill Country. Modest but comfortable retirement.

SUE MONTGOMERY: Cats and music
SAJJAD ALAM: To be alive to make a difference. The family God had me be born into.

MARLENE MARTIN: I am so thankful for the many pets that have shared their lives with me. And for my friends that have become like family to me.

JEFF BJORCK: I am thankful for the beauty of each new day and for the progress being made regarding the pandemic!

LISA SWERDLOW: The hard thing for me is naming only two things to be thankful for! I am thankful for being married to my love of 26 years! And I am thankful for having my horses living on my ranch and being in relationship with such noble beings. Of course,  I am most grateful for having inspiration in my life and translating that creativity into music!

JON MUTCHLER: The continuous if not gradual perfection of the greatest instrument ever created, the soft-loud, aka, piano-forte.

TOM NICHOLS: I am grateful for my husband, Dan Chadburn, who inspires and encourages me every day to be the best version of myself. I am grateful for all the animal “kids” that have and will be in our care. For teaching us about empathy and unconditional love.
Oregon Coast Fund Raising Concert: Many thanks to everyone who watched and enjoyed Dan Chadburn's and Tom Nichols' fantastic concert and donated to our local Humane Society! The concert was so much fun, and it sounds like we raised about $5500 so far!!! An even bigger "THANK YOU" to Dan and Tom for doing this again this year! The concert is still available to watch on YouTube and is free. Here is the link.
GREG MARONEY: I am thankful that I have a wonderful place to live, full of green living things, with plenty of space to walk, think and feel the sun on my face. I am also thankful that I have a loving wife and music to fill the time I have on this planet.

CRAIG URQUHART: I am grateful for the garden on my balcony. I am grateful that I have a beautiful piano to express myself on.

DAVID GLASS: Looking out my window I am witnessing the first rain of the Fall season. California desperately needs water and am thankful that we are going to have an entire week of it.  Autumn is my favorite time of year and watching the rain fall from inside my home is something I deeply appreciate.  I am thankful for all of my friends and family and am looking forward to spending time with them this Holiday season.  Wishing everyone a wonderful Holiday season!

DAN KENNEDY: I'm thankful for music which brings me so much joy. I'm thankful for pizza.

HENNIE BEKKER: I am thankful for a wonderful 43-years of marriage to a beautiful human being. I'm thankful that at 87 I still have the drive to go down to my studio every morning to work.

CAROL "MOM PARSONS: I am thankful for Kathy who is not only my housemate and caregiver but a GREAT COOK - EVERY DAY — and our houseful of pets to love and enjoy. I am thankful for all of the interesting, kind, and talented people I have met through Kathy’s outreach to the musical world.
2021 Holiday Wishes: As usual, I will be compiling a list of everyone's two biggest holiday wishes for the December issue of Pianotes. You can send them to me at kathypiano@gmail.com any time during the month. I'll send out a reminder around the 15th and then again before the end of the month. This is always a very popular feature in the newsletter and something I always look forward to doing.
MARK FRESHWATER: First and foremost is my recovery from cervical surgery, without which there would be no piano playing. Secondly I am thankful to have found a Yamaha Clavinova instrument that fits in our condo....closest thing I could find to replace my grand piano (sound wise) which was sold along with our Arizona home this past year. Oh I also survived Covid and 3 other non-Covid hospitalizations and 2 surgeries (I guess that’s actually 4 or 5 things to be thankful for).

1. Vaccines
2. Video communications, like Zoom and FaceTime

SCOTT COSSU: I am thankful for a new granddaughter  named : Nora Meadow Cossu. Musical Inspiration comes easily for a new Lullaby with a new baby. I am also thankful for my wife Debi, who balances my life and offers  endless love and an amazing perspective of reality to my life as a musical composer.

ERIC CHAPELLE: I'm thankful for kindness and compassion whenever you see it. The world needs both of these things, and there's never enough of both.

SUZANNE CIANI: I'm thankful for my friends and for electricity.

LISA HILTON: I am thankful for a great many things, but this year I am especially thankful that I will be able to see some family and some friends, and I am always thankful for music and the piano in my life.

November Birthdays: Here is a partial list of musical November birthdays:

1: Joseph Akins (or is it October 31st?), Renee Michele, Brenda Warren, Dyan Garris, Deborah Offenhauser
2: Gina Linee’
3: Darla Bower, Cobb Bussinger
4: Rachel Currea
8: Tiana Andreas
14: Yanni
15: David Nevue
17: Jeff Bjorck and Ovidio De Ferrari
20: Robin Spielberg and Mary Lydia Ryan
21: Paul Avgerinos
22: Cory Levine
23: Omar Akram
25: David Glass
26: Gary Girouard and Robin Goldsby
27: Vicente Avella and Thad Fiscella
28: Ryan Stewart

Happy Birthday to all of you!!!
JONATHAN SPROUT: I’m thankful for my health. When that goes, nothing else seems to matter. I’m also thankful for my cat, Loverboy, who knows only love.

JASON TONIOLI: I’m thankful for a mom that made me practice piano and a dad that paid for the lessons I didn’t want.

KATHY PARSONS: I'm so thankful for all of the wonderful relationships that have developed via music. I'm also very thankful that Mom is doing so well at 91!

LOUIS LANDON: Grateful for this soul journey on planet earth!

CHRIS NOLE: I am grateful everyday that I have had, and still have the chance to express myself through music and the creative process. But mostly, I'd have to say that I am thankful for the people (and poochie) in my life. My dear wife, our families, my sweet old puppy (he's coming up on 14), our very supportive friends, and of course my fellow creative collaborators that keep me going day to day. I am blessed.

CORY LAVINE: Couple things I am thankful for would be Family and Health.

November Music Celebrations: Did you know that November is International Drum Month or Hip-Hop History Month? Other music holidays/celebrations include:

11/6: National Saxophone Day
11/11: National Metal Day
11/13: National Hug a Musician Day & Symphonic Metal Day
11/15: National Drummer Day
11/19: National Blow Bagpipers Day
11/24: National Jukebox Day
11/30: Perpetual Youth Day

1) I am grateful for things like a dry and warm home.
2) And every day there is something to eat and drink, I'm grateful for that.

ELIZABETH THOMPSON: I am thankful for dogs and cats. The end.

TIJS VEN: What I am most grateful for is:
1: Being united with my lovely wife and our furry babies
2: To be able to live in the peacefulness of nature

DIANNE SAITO: Thankful that my family and friends are all safe, healthy and surviving the pandemic. Thankful for the friends who still keep in touch with me especially my classmates from grammar school are once again meeting for lunch every month.

SPENCER BREWER: I am thankful for my health and my family's health. I am sincerely thankful for the rich creative abundance that surrounds me daily.

SUZANNE GROSVENOR: 1. The beauty of creation. 2. The gift of music. (3. The love of God.)
That should cover it for the November issue! Happy Fall and Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! The photos this month are of the odd assortment of mushrooms growing in our front lawn (no, I haven't cooked any of them!) and some of the spooky characters in the neighborhood Halloween evening. Enjoy!


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Pianote November 2021, image 9