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Album Review: Hiding Place
Adam Andrews
Cover image of the album Hiding Place by Adam Andrews
Hiding Place
Adam Andrews
2022 / Adam Andrews
39 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Hiding Place is the fifth solo piano album from Adam Andrews, winner of the 2017 Whisperings Album of the Year award for his 2016 release, Prayers in the Dark. (His 2018 album, Soar, was nominated for the same award.) Classically-trained from childhood, Adam is an exceptionally honest and sincere composer/pianist who is able to reach deep within himself to express thoughts and emotions through his music that words can't fully express. Quoting Adam: "Hiding Place is for anyone who is, or has been, stuck in a tough place and didn't have answers. Hopefully a bit of peace and understanding will come their way through this music." The eleven tracks on the album were composed, performed and produced by Adam Andrews. They were recorded at Piano Haven Studio in Sedona, AZ on Joe Bongiorno's wonderful Skigeru Kawai concert grand piano and the album was engineered and mastered by Joe Bongiorno. The sound quality is gorgeous!

Hiding Place begins with the title track, a piece about the challenges of finding a quiet, peaceful and creative space during COVID. Deeply introspective and melancholy, the music takes on a life of its own as it searches for an outlet to fully express itself - a beautiful start! "Oh Restless Night" is about "wrestling with changes to my belief system; regret from the past and peace about the future." It seems that during the night, thoughts become magnified and even more difficult to tame than during the day. Far from nightmarish, the piece is restless and agitated - not a good mental state when trying to fall sleep! "In Time" is about "dreams for a friend who lost everything when he came out." Sadness wraps around feelings of compassion and empathy - simple, direct and heartfelt. "Sanctuary" is dedicated to Adam's mother "who always has a way of being a safe place for me" - a beautiful tribute! "The Unexpected" is a favorite. The piece is about processing a season of personal challenges and growth, but I really love some of the "unexpected" changes within the music itself that keep it just a little bit off-balance. "Your Light Will Always Shine" is dedicated to those lost to COVID. More of a celebration of the lives that were lived rather mourning the losses, much of the piece is played in the upper end of the piano keyboard and feels very much like a bright light dancing on the keys. "Maybe Someday" is processing disappointment in not being able to fully overcome depression. An incredibly beautiful and deeply emotional piece that eloquently expresses sadness and frustration without any trace of anger, I'd have to say it's my favorite track on the album. "Thankful" is much lighter, expressing heartfelt gratitude and elevating the spirit. The album closes with "Hopes and Dreams For You," which processes the impact of COVID on Adam's children while dreaming of much more for them. Overflowing with feelings of hope and optimism, it comes from the heart and says much about what a loving "dad" Adam is.

Hiding Place is available from AdamAndrewsMusic.com, Amazon, Apple Music/iTunes and streaming sites like Pandora and Spotify. It's a great way to start the New Year! Very highly recommended!
December 28, 2021
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