Liquid Mind XIV: Simplicity
Liquid Mind
2022 / Myndstream/Real Music
64 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Liquid Mind XIV: Simplicity is the eighteenth album from Liquid Mind (Chuck Wild) and continues his mission to create some of the most peaceful music you're going to find anywhere. Liquid Mind's music is music with a purpose and is intended for relaxation, meditation and sleep. The seven tracks on Simplicity range from a little more than seven minutes to a little more than twelve, allowing the listener to become fully immersed in the music so that it can work its magic. I found this quote on Chuck Wild's Wikipedia page fascinating:
"The Liquid Mind series was born from my struggle with panic attacks and anxiety while co-scoring the Emmy Award-winning American Broadcasting Company television series 'Max Headroom' with composer Michael Hoenig. During the same period more than 60 of my friends, associates, and family members died of HIV and cancer. To help heal from the panic, a counselor suggested that I write music representing the way I wanted to feel. This resulted in the first Liquid Mind album, 'Ambience Minimus,' completed in 1988.
"When I discovered this music was effective in healing my own anxiety and panic attacks, and with the encouragement of fellow artist Suzanne Doucet, I decided to release it through major distribution. The ultimate compliment to me is that people fall asleep to my music. Liquid Mind is functional music, assisting us to be tranquil at those times when that may not be easy."
There are few composers with as much love for slowness in their music as Chuck Wild! He draws from classical and pop influences as diverse as Beethoven and Brian Eno, Bartok and Rachmaninoff, Bach, Chopin and Fauré, Duruflé and Brahms. Not only is the music relaxing with its effortless, slowly-flowing sounds, it seems to wrap the listener in a soothing warmth of optimism and well-being. Liquid Mind's music could actually serve as the definition of "ambient music," as there are no distinct melodies, themes or tempi, and listening deeply feels very much like the way I would expect it would feel to float peacefully on a fluffy white cloud. With our crazy, divided, violent, scary, stressful world, it seems like it would be helpful for everyone to listen to Liquid Mind's music every day before venturing out and then again when returning home. What a difference that could make!
I think it is significant to mention that Liquid Mind XIV: Simplicity made its debut on World Mental Health Day (October 10, 2022) on Pandora, the largest ad-supported audio entertainment streaming service in the U.S.
Liquid Mind XIV: Simplicity is available now to stream and download on Amazon and Apple Music, as well as various other streaming sites. It will be released as a CD on November 4, 2022. I think almost all of us could use some peace and calm in our world, and I thank Chuck Wild for his vision as well as the beauty of his music.
October 30, 2022
Review by Kathy Parsons