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Album Review: All Is Not Lost single
Lisa Swerdlow
Cover image of the album All Is Not Lost single by Lisa Swerdlow
All Is Not Lost single
Lisa Swerdlow
2021 / Lisa Swerdlow
4 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
"All Is Not Lost" is a beautiful and deeply emotional single by pianist/composer Lisa Swerdlow with orchestration by Doug Hammer. Once again proving what an incredible lifeline music can be, the piece was composed last year during the COVID quarantine when Lisa was facing very daunting health issues for both herself and her wife. Thankfully, everything turned out okay, but the music asks "why?" and provides a means of expressing all that Lisa was dealing with. Sad and contemplative, the piece expresses hope rather than falling into despair.

"All Is Not Lost" begins with a short solo piano intro before adding the orchestration. Fragile and vulnerable, the delicacy of the first part of the piece touches the heart deeply. The strings (including some wonderful cello) and oboe add even more poignance as the music swells to a dramatic crescendo and gradually fades. Lisa has written some exceptional music, but this could easily be her best piece yet.

"All Is Not Lost" is available as a digital download and/or to stream from Amazon, Apple/iTunes, Spotify and others. Here's to better times!
August 17, 2021
This review has been tagged as:
Single Release
Contributing artists:
Doug Hammer