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Album Review: Nihonga (single)
Peter Calandra
Cover image of the album Nihonga (single) by Peter Calandra
Nihonga (single)
Peter Calandra
2024 / PCM
6 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
"Nihonga" is a solo piano improvisation by Peter Calandra that was created in one afternoon during the pandemic. The title refers to a Japanese style of painting that uses mineral pigments, and occasionally ink, together with other organic pigments on silk or paper. The term was coined during the Meiji period (1868–1912) to differentiate it from its counterpart, known as Yōga or Western-style painting. The term literally translates to "pictures of Japan." The piece begins very quietly with graceful chord changes and a very fluid tempo. As the tempo picks up a bit, the piece develops more tonal colors and roams very freely around the piano keyboard, alternating between lively free-form passages and sections that are quieter and more pensive. As always, Peter keeps it fascinating from start to finish! There is a video on YouTube of him performing "Nihonga" that is well worth watching.

"Nihonga" is available from Amazon and Apple Music/iTunes as well as streaming platforms including Pandora and Spotify. Highly recommended!
October 8, 2024
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