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Songbook Review: 24 Impromptus
Pam Asberry
Cover image of the songbook 24 Impromptus by Pam Asberry
24 Impromptus
Pam Asberry
2024 / Optimistic Flamingo Music
63 pages / 24 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
The 24 Impromptus songbook is the companion sheet music for Pam Asberry's 2024 recording by the same name. Pam did the transcriptions and I proof-read them, so I can safely say that the sheet music matches the recording as closely as possible. Each piece was given a one-word sub-title that is an "affirmation" that also gives an idea of what each piece is "about." All of the pieces are 1-4 pages, making them excellent for teaching as well as for playing for enjoyment. A long-time piano teacher and adjudicator herself, Pam is a classically-trained pianist with a wealth of experience in music.

The idea for this collection of impromptus was to follow the classical tradition of creating a series of pieces with one in each of the 24 major and minor keys of the chromatic scale. Because of the range of "affirmations" that go with each piece, there is a very pleasurable variety in the music - everything from "Wonder" to "Freedom" to "Bliss," "Brave" and "Wisdom," so it is very enjoyable to sit at the piano or keyboard and play the songbook from cover-to-cover. As I mentioned, all of the pieces are 1-4 pages, and most are 2 or 3. The layout is well-spaced and easy to read, and there are no reaches of more than an octave. Metronome settings are included and phrasing is clearly marked.

None of the pieces are difficult, but the ones with larger numbers of sharps and flats are somewhat more challenging. None of music is fast - lively and optimistic, but not super-fast. In addition to the music, the songbook includes introductory comments from Pam as well as an "About Pam" page. The book is available as a spiral-bound printed book and/or a PDF download. It's a very nice collection and I highly recommend it.

The 24 Impromptus songbooks and sheet music are available from Pam's website.
April 22, 2024
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