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Album Review: Adoration
David Nevue
Cover image of the album Adoration by David Nevue
David Nevue
2007 / Midnight Rain Productions
51 minutes
Review by Kathy Parsons
Adoration is David Nevue’s landmark tenth CD to date and his first all-hymns recording. Nevue has included hymns on some of his previous albums, none of which appear on this one. Adoration is made up of fifteen original solo piano arrangements and interpretations of favorite hymns, all true to the originals and yet uniquely Nevue. The son of a street preacher, Nevue attended revival meetings from an early age, and some of his hymn choices reflect those experiences. Nevue has obviously lived with this music all of his life, and his love for and familiarity with it bring very personal and passionate expression to these gems from the vast treasury of church music literature, some of which date back a couple of hundred years. Several of the arrangements have kind of an “old-timey” feeling that’s very comfortable and warm.

All of the hymns on this beautiful CD are exceptional, but I’ll mention a few of my own favorites. Adoration begins with “Prelude: There Is a Fountain,” a simple but poignant introduction and welcome. “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” contains some of Nevue’s signature touches, and is lively with a heart full of joy. “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” and “I Surrender All” are gentle meditations, reflective and humble. “Jesus, Love Of My Soul” is darker and more introspective - gorgeous and stirring! “Amazing Grace” has to be one of the most-played and most-recorded hymns ever, but Nevue gives it a quiet, spare treatment that brings it new life. I also really like “Be Still My Soul,” a true classic, given a prayerful setting. “‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus” reflects George Winston’s influence - open and spare, with interesting pedal effects and a simple “folkie” approach. “Just As I Am” is another Christian classic, made popular as an altar call song in Billy Graham’s “crusades.” Nevue’s interpretation is reverent and very personal. The closing “Doxology” is really interesting. Beginning with a somewhat jazzy take on the melody, Nevue seems to be improvising the rest of the arrangement - something new out of something very old! A very effective piece, it shows how at home Nevue is with the music.

Adoration should bring great joy to David Nevue’s many fans. We hear that his recording sessions for this album went so well that there could be an Adoration 2 down the road - good news! Adoration is available now from davidnevue.com, and will be available soon from amazon.com, cdbaby.com, and iTunes. Highly recommended!
November 25, 2007
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