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Songbook Review: Whisperings (2019 revision)
David Nevue
Cover image of the songbook Whisperings (2019 revision) by David Nevue
Whisperings (2019 revision)
David Nevue
2019 / Midnight Rain Productions
76 pages / 18 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Whisperings: The Best of David Nevue 1985-2000 was the first songbook of David Nevue’s original piano solos. The book was first published in 2009, but was recently (2019) revised by David, Rebecca Oswald (transcription) and Kathy Parsons (proofing) to format all of David’s sheet music consistently and to correct and clarify some areas that needed revision. The first book was really good, but this revised version is even better!

Quoting my original review: “Most of these pieces are music I have worked on with my students over the years (with David’s permission), so it’s great to have them in a beautiful book rather than trying to find them either loose or randomly placed in file folders. Many of these pieces are quite easy to play, and students love the music as well as the sense of accomplishment at being able to master ‘real’ (as opposed to simplified) music without having to spend hours upon hours practicing to get them to sound good. The eighteen pieces are classics from David’s early career and come from his albums The Tower, The Last Waking Moment, While The Trees Sleep, and The Vigil - all of the music from the album of the same name. There is a very nice range of playing levels - from early-intermediate (‘Solitude,’ ‘The Emerald Valley,’ ‘Ascending With Angels’) to early-advanced (‘A Turn To Grace,’ ‘Dance of the Muse,’ ‘No More Tears’). Most of the difficulties are more complex rhythms and key signatures. There are no reaches beyond an octave, and the music is melodic and accessible. I’m thrilled to see this book finally make it into print and highly recommend it.”

The songbook is available with spiral binding from DavidNevue.com and from Amazon with their "perfect" binding.

The song titles, the key(s) they are in, and the number of pages are:

A Turn to Grace - Key of B (5 sharps)/ F# (6 sharps) - 4 pages
Ascending With Angels - Key of B minor (2 sharps) - 5 pages
Be Thou My Vision - Key of D (2 sharps) - 3 pages
Dance of the Muse - Key of C minor (3 flats)/ F minor ( 4 flats) - 5 pages
Home - Key of Eb (3 flats) - 4 pages
I Wonder as I Wander - Key of C minor (3 flats) - 2 1/2 pages
Joy - Key of Bb (2 flats) - 6 pages
Light - Key of C minor (3 flats) - 5 pages
No More Tears - Key of B (5 sharps) - 4 pages
Psalm 77 - Key of G minor (2 flats) - 4 pages
Solitude - Key of G minor (2 flats) 2 pages
The Emerald Valley - Key of B minor (2 sharps) - 2 pages
The Gathering Fields - Key of D (2 sharps) - 4 pages
The Night Season - Key of C# minor (4 sharps) - 5 pages
The Vigil - Key of B minor (2 sharps) - 4 pages
Voice in the Wilderness - Key of Bb (2 flats) - 3 pages
While the Trees Sleep - Key of C minor (3 flats) - 5 pages
June 3, 2020
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